In the storm;
I was alone;
From midnight;
Till the dawn;
Suddenly, silently;
I heard a sound;
I heard a song;
Sung by an unknown singer;
I looked ahead;
But saw darkness;
It was filling the world;
Draining happiness;
From the moonless sky;
The trees were scary;
Like giants, so shaggy;
The river was frozen;
And the silence was eerie;
With no cuckoo to sing;
With no bird to chirp;
With no beast to howl;
With no life to tread;
And then I heard it again;
A sweet song;
A wet wail;
In the end ;
A melodious rain;
And then I saw the light;
Spreading right from the east;
Flowing deep into the west;
Pouring light into the earth;
While still I hear;
The echo of the song;
The echo of the wail;
And I still feel the singer;
Humming softly and silently;
The song of the earth;
The saga of the world.