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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Day In Summer

It was a bright summer morning;
And the sky was laden with clouds;
While the sun kept scorning;
The world was moving in crowds.

In the fields the sunflowers gleamed;
And the streams were crystal clear;
The nature always beamed;
Without dropping a single tear.

The world was cradled in the breeze;
Like a new born, she was asleep;
Birds flew over the trees;
And the night was growing deep.

The fairies of the night;
Have landed on the earth;
Their attire is so bright;
Like the fire in a hearth.

The summer moon was in the sky;
Like a king he stood and smiled;
While the world let out a sigh;
He consoled her like a child.

A summer day has passed;
Leaving memories behind;
Anticipating a new day to be chased;
The night has left the world blind.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Agony Of Truth

Virtue is always mistaken;
But truth shall remain unshaken;
Let hypocrites critisize;
People wise shall realize.

I'm smeared with mud;
While they feed on my blood;
With pain, I yell;
From somewhere, I hear a bell.

Its hard to battle out;
In a world that loves to shout;
And throw stones at you;
Though your words were always true.

Is this what is justice?
I call it injustice;
This world is so coward;
Will it ever move "forward"?

Almost all are insane;
With no sane to attain;
And though they still ignore;
Truth shall always win a score.

"Listen wise people out there";
Raise your voices up in the air;
Lets wait for a better tomorrow;
Which shall carry no sorrow to borrow.

So listen to the agony of truth;
Hope it shall awaken the youth;
To bring down the walls of distress;
And move towards success.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Solitude is bliss;
Still why do I miss?
The time that was sweet;
Like a wonderful treat.

Words that were said;
And the lines that were read;
Hours that were spent;
I realize, all were on rent.

Laughter that ceased;
While the heart got diseased;
Was just a silent song;
That wasn't so long.

Why do I mourn?
Over days that have gone;
Like a bird that has lost;
Her wings on a flight.

Tis true what is said;
That no one would lend;
A shoulder to cry;
When you keep asking "why?".

So let me now learn;
The art to be stern;
And the ways to be strong;
For a life not so wrong.

An Agnostic

I’m neither a theist;
Nor an atheist;
But an agnostic;
Who is very erotic.

People keep forcing me;
To be, whats not “me”;
And when I say “no”;
They turn as cold as snow.

I’ve been shut in a dungeon;
With closed walls, like a pigeon;
They have cut down my wings;
Which used to dance in springs.

“Give me a break”, I say;
“Listen to me”, I pray;
Still they clench their fists;
As I run into the mists.

Life is a game;
And its always the same;
when you try to be “you”;
Others start giving their view.

Why can nobody see?
My words are drowned in a sea;
Will nobody let me breathe;
Leave me alone, please.

Will my day ever come?
I’ve been forced to be dumb;
By the evil minded spirits;
Who lack all merits.

But I shall still wait;
Since its never too late;
To relive my dreams;
And flow like a stream.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

May Flower

Now let me say;
A story of the month of may;
Of a flower that bloomed;
And was very well groomed.

In the breeze she swayed;
Spreading fragrance, so sweet;
Dancing happily she stayed;
Laughing in sheer delight.

She stood happily;
With her head held high;
While the wind moved snappily;
Other flowers let out a sigh.

Everyone was spellbound;
With her beauty, so divine;
And when the moon was around;
She spread the sweetness of wine.

Light glided across her;
While she shined with all might;
Like a dew, so pure;
In the blanket of night.

In the night, she is cradled;
In the arms of the sky;
Waiting for the light to be ladled;
By the sun so high.