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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Agony Of Truth

Virtue is always mistaken;
But truth shall remain unshaken;
Let hypocrites critisize;
People wise shall realize.

I'm smeared with mud;
While they feed on my blood;
With pain, I yell;
From somewhere, I hear a bell.

Its hard to battle out;
In a world that loves to shout;
And throw stones at you;
Though your words were always true.

Is this what is justice?
I call it injustice;
This world is so coward;
Will it ever move "forward"?

Almost all are insane;
With no sane to attain;
And though they still ignore;
Truth shall always win a score.

"Listen wise people out there";
Raise your voices up in the air;
Lets wait for a better tomorrow;
Which shall carry no sorrow to borrow.

So listen to the agony of truth;
Hope it shall awaken the youth;
To bring down the walls of distress;
And move towards success.

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